2021-2022 MHA Program

Our 2021-2022 MHA program has come to a close. Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to our volunteers and our BfB Team!


What aspects of this program were most useful or valuable?
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    "The program provides students with an impactful applied learning experience. Students make a contribution to the mental health of our community while also practicing"

  • "The opportunity to discuss mental health issues in an environment free of stigma is something everyone deserves, and not only did this program provide that, it also had us working towards solutions for mental health issues so that we could all be part of the necessary change."

  • "I think the energy and enthusiasm of the youth, and the partnership with the mentors was most impressive and valuable. It is very hard to engage youth successfully and this was accomplished."

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    "Interacting with very motivated, intelligent, creative youth and listening to their perspectives on social, cultural issues."

  • "Having students and even mentors around the world with different cultural and ethinic background."

  • "Understanding each others differences and in the process getting more comfortable with public speaking."

Would you recommend this program to others, why or why not?
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    "Yes, it’s a great way to learn about MH problems; destigmatizing at educating at young age."

  • "Yes, it is a model program that can and should be replicated in other community's and school districts."

  • "Yes. It is well run with dedicated adults, and truly includes the youth in determining the projects. Very youth centered."

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    "For those who find themselves in need of help because of cultural differences, or lacks social ability like me, I would definitely recommend this program to others; you would be welcomed by everyone in this organization and help you improve your weaknesses, or cope with your cultural differences."

  • "Yes. For the teenagers who want to make connections with other peers in different backgrounds and who are willing to study abroad in the future, this program will be a great opportunity to work with others around the world and improve their abilities in teamwork as well as English speaking."

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